How to remove authentication required wordpress - The platform wordpress 4.4.2 Version has change in security maximun, if you access your w...
How to remove authentication required wordpress - The platform wordpress 4.4.2 Version has change in security maximun, if you access your wp-admin you will see pop up alert authentication required, you need to fill in field username and password, and sometime some browser disappear the popup alert and your web always boot load.
How to fix it?, for this case this is problem to me and to fix it if you not confidence for this security just check your .htaccess file and add like this code:
Yes just like that, and you try go to your admin area and you can access your wp-admin without authentication required. If you have question about this please comment below this post, thank’s and see you in next tutorial
How to fix it?, for this case this is problem to me and to fix it if you not confidence for this security just check your .htaccess file and add like this code:
<filesmatch "wp-login.php">
Satisfy Any
Yes just like that, and you try go to your admin area and you can access your wp-admin without authentication required. If you have question about this please comment below this post, thank’s and see you in next tutorial
Terimakasih banyak mas, WP yang baru jadi gitu ya.. untung ada ini jadi normal lagi deh.. terimakasih